After a long day, you relax on the couch with your favorite high-quality spirit or cocktail.
There’s just one problem - even with all the right ingredients, it never seems to taste quite as great as the one your favorite bartender whips up.
What’s the magic (some) bars have that home cocktails are missing?
It’s all about the ice.
The traditional way of making ice – both via freezer trays and automatic freezer ice-makers – results in unsightly cloudy cubes of ice that bring with them that weird, uninvited freezer flavor.
Your bartender’s secret? Clear ice cubes.
The neutral flavor of clear ice enhances every drink. A clear ice cube will disappear into your drink - not by melting, but by being so transparent that it’s nearly invisible.
The Quest For Clear Ice
Ready to geek out on ice production methods? Clear ice itself isn’t new – nature invented it! But, human inventions go back a long time–some quite unusual. Here’s a brief highlight reel of some of my favorites: